Performance management is an annual base review of many organizations. But, evidence depicts that employees are more engaged in their work when feedback and coaching conducted on regular, informal, continuous basis throughout the year. It’s undergoing a deep change, with managers and HR are focusing more on an ongoing management basis instead of yearly appraisals that something we called as a new way of evaluating the performance.
Reality of performance execution at workplace
Management facing lots of trouble in managing the annual performance review and correcting it, leading to complete disturbance at the workplace or organization not able to leverage their most valuable asset (employees)- their talent, to be competitive and profitable in this fast-changing work environment.Challenges Dealing with Performance Management
Enhancing the performance of an individual has never been so daunting task for the HR. But with the changing needs of the market, HR is now suffering from some major challenges such as:Engaging Employees
Almost in every organization, you can find at maximum 50% of employees are engaged with their work and they contribute the maximum from their end to achieve their goal, remaining 50% they look out for the opportunities outside the organization.Dealing with different aspects
We can find different peoples in the workplace, who are at different career stage, and their expectation about development, career progression, honing skills on the job and the way of dealing with performance management is different.Inadequate data access to make talent decisions
HR must have the access to every employee data so that they can analyze the reason behind employees leaving the organization. Without information, it’s very difficult for the HR to appropriately create succession plans.